UX Evenings @ Google
As the founder of UX Evenings, I lead production and strategy for this Youtube series on the Google Design channel. This series is focused on creating a platform for senior UXers in APAC (particularly in Singapore) to share their insights live with others. Due to COVID, this series moved from a 200 person live event to a series that routinely gets 10k or more viewers per episode.
UXPA 2016
At UXPA 2016, I gave a presentation with Nika Auld about strengths based leadership and how it applies to your UX career. We were selected from many different presentation proposals and were honored to have a great group of attendees. As experienced researchers with many kinds of industries and organizations - from small consulting shops to monolithic auto manufacturers to agile startups we wanted to share what we'd learned about leadership. When we both joined FB around the same time, we came together and realized we’re both really passionate about this topic. We put together the presentation to share some of what we have learned about being an effective leader in UX, in the hopes that it can help others advance in their careers.
This presentation on confronting unexpected findings in ethnographic research was shared with the international community at ESOMAR 2015 in Paris. I spoke with Shannon Danzy of Danzy Consults, along with a paper we wrote with Steve August from Revelation diary software and Tara Franz from Facebook. This presentation shared how to engage XFN teams, how to pivot when working with vendors and how to revel in the joy of exploring new areas with ethnography.